Talk to us.
Our main office line is 404-900-5672.
If you want to hire us, please call our main line and press 1
Save a contact card to your computer or phone with this link.
Ryan Locke
direct 404-491-0405
email Ryan@TheLockeFirm.com
Jamie Plummer
direct 678-948-8416
email Jamie@TheLockeFirm.com
Locke Law Firm, LLC
750 Piedmont Avenue NE
Atlanta, Georgia 30308
office phone 404-900-5672
fax 770-415-8267
encrypted email PGP Open Key
encrypted messaging and calling 404-909-7795 on Signal
Directions to our office
If driving:
We are located on Piedmont Avenue between 4th and 5th streets. There is free street parking available.
If taking MARTA:
We’re located between Midtown Station and North Avenue Station.
From Midtown Station, walk east on 10th Street and then south on Piedmont Avenue.
From North Avenue Station, walk east on North Avenue and then north on Piedmont Avenue.